Occupational interests and academic self-efficacy in boys and girls of elementary schools located in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Portada de la revista Número 28, Diciembre 2013
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academic self-efficacy
occupational awareness
occupational interests
occupational interests in childhood

How to Cite

Rosado-Pacheco, C. M. (2013). Occupational interests and academic self-efficacy in boys and girls of elementary schools located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), (28), 36–60. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/13571


This quantitative correlational research focused on occupational interests, self-efficacy and the occupational aspirations of elementary school children in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Variables were measured by means of the Inventario Cirino de Intereses y Autoeficacia (ICI-AE). The question "What do you expect to be when you grow up?" confirm the occupational goals. The results from the Pearson Product-Moment correlation, which ranged from .007 to .225, indicated no relation between the manual, office, social and enterprising subscales, and the self-efficacy subscales for English, Spanish and mathematics classes. The Manova analysis exhibited a statistical significance between the manual (realistic) occupational interests and aspiration, and the occupational expectations, as evidenced by RIASEC (F= 6.267, p ≤ .001). In general terms, participants showed high occupational interests on four ICI-AE subscales. With regards to academic self-efficacy, boys were perceived with higher self-efficacy in English and girls in mathematics. Results seem to indicate that these activities could be used for occupational awareness in childhood.

How to cite:
Rosado-Pacheco, C. M. (2013). Los intereses ocupacionales y la autoeficacia académica en niños y niñas de escuelas elementales ubicadas en San Juan, Puerto Rico. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 28, 36-60. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/13571

PDF (Español (España))


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