Second survey of student academic dishonesty at the Rio Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico
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academic dishonesty
academic honesty
academic integrity
dishonest behaviors
University of Puerto Rico

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Medina-Díaz, M. D. R., & Verdejo-Carrión, A. L. (2019). Second survey of student academic dishonesty at the Rio Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 2(2), 1–36. Retrieved from


This survey addresses the frequency of academic dishonesty behaviors and the reasons for doing them among undergraduate students at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. On April 2016, 360 students from seven colleges answered voluntarily the Cuestionario de Integridad Académica-Revisado. Between 11% and 82% admitted to having committed, at least once, 46 out of 51 academic dishonesty behaviors. The most common were those associated with copying on tests and assignments, and unauthorized collaboration on classroom tasks or works. More than 70% indicated that the need (75%) and the pressure for getting good grades (72%), as well as to have many tests or assignments due on the same date (73%), are the most important reasons for committing academic dishonesty acts. Also, the questionnaire asked for several institutional variables that may foster or deter them, and 94% of the students assessed as high the competition for getting good grades and 83% the sanctions‘ severity in this campus. Eighty-eight percent and 53%, respectively, answered that the faculty and students‘ knowledge regarding the university‘s academic integrity policy was high.

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