Commercial sex trafficking: A challenge for counseling professionals
Pedagogía, vol. 47 (2014)
PDF (Español (España))


victims of sexual trafficking
sexual slavery
sexual trafficking

How to Cite

Rodríguez-Colón, M. (2014). Commercial sex trafficking: A challenge for counseling professionals. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 47(1), 192–232. Retrieved from


This article is based on documental research and elucidates the problem of human sex trafficking. The article provides a general perspective of this problem in Puerto Rico and other countries in both hemispheres. Explains the victim‘s risk factors, the methods of recruiting, and the techniques in which their captors exert the control over the sex slave. Describes the physical and psychosocial consequences of sexual trafficking. Identifies and explains laws against sexual trafficking. Finally, it discusses the contributions of the counseling profession in prevention and the psychosocial area that must be included in the therapeutic process aimed to the wellbeing of a victim.

How to cite:
Rodríguez-Colón, M. (2014). trata sexual comercial: Reto para los profesionales de la consejería. Pedagogía, 47(1), 192-232. Retrieved from

PDF (Español (España))


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