Gender constructions and preschool play: What roles do educators assume?
Cover, Number 24, December 2009
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teachers‘ role

How to Cite

Canales-Guzmán, M. M. (2009). Gender constructions and preschool play: What roles do educators assume?. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), (24), 129–148. Retrieved from


Previous studies about gender and education have studied teachers‘ roles in the classroom, and have recognized their importance in the socialization and schooling processes. This article explores and analyzes the teachers‘ interventions and roles in play areas and its relevance to children‘s gender constructions. The data was collected through ethnographic observation and were subjected to content analysis. We found a link between the recommended teachers‘ roles and less stereotyped gender constructions in Head Start children.

How to cite:
Canales-Guzmán, M. M. (2009). Construcciones de género y juego preescolar: ¿Cuáles roles asumen los educadores? Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 24, 129-148. Retrieved from

PDF (Español (España))


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