Another education and school are possible: The case of Tzotzil children in Chiapas, Mexico
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bilingual education
elementary school
Tzotzil children

How to Cite

Del Carpio, K. (2020). Another education and school are possible: The case of Tzotzil children in Chiapas, Mexico. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 3(1), 1–19. Retrieved from


This article summarizes the findings of an ethnography conducted at a Spanish-Tzotzil elementary bilingual school in Chiapas, Mexico. It shows that the school, the educational system, teachers and students can contribute to the preservation and promotion of indigenous languages, such as the Mayan Tzotzil. On the other hand, it also invites the reader to reflect on how education has been conceived traditionally, since it has been characterized by the control and domination of students to whom they have imposed a "right answer," which is the instructor‘s or the society‘s partial and relative "truth." As a result, the probabilities of stimulating students‘ enthusiasm and creativity decrease. For this reason, this article highlights the importance of teachers to become mediators as they should be guides that support students in their learning process, that motivate students to think in a creative way instead of imposing them a "right answer." Also, it emphasizes the relevance of educating rather than instructing. The reason for doing so is to increase the possibilities of implementing quality education in which both teachers and students work collaboratively; and the classroom and the school in general become spaces where instructors and learners enjoy being, because they feel comfortable, respected, safe and motivated. Moreover, it is suggested that teachers promote dialogue and the use of fun activities since they can help create a positive and friendly environment in the classroom that can contribute not only to deliver class content in a pleasant way, but also to have the teacher and the students, in this case specifically Tzotzil children, enjoy the teaching and learning process together.

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