The human affectivity from the historical cultural approach: Dialectic between subjectivity and reality
Pedagogía, vol. 46 (2013)
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historical cultural approach

How to Cite

Rojas-Madrigal, C. (2013). The human affectivity from the historical cultural approach: Dialectic between subjectivity and reality. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 46(1), 19–39. Retrieved from


This paper seeks to explain human affectivity from the cultural historical perspective proposed, in the first half of the twentieth century, by Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky. Thus, the subject is approached from a critical angle aiming to elucidate the dialectical and mutually modifying relationship between subjectivity and reality. For this purpose, the article re-examines different theoretical and philosophical approaches about the emotions that preceded and followed the work of Vygotsky, which is placed in the context that enabled its development. It also highlights the valuable contributions made by this author on the subject, finalizing with some implications on the historical cultural approach for pedagogical practice.

How to cite:
Rojas-Madrigal, C. (2013). La afectividad humana desde el enfoque histórico cultural: Dialéctica entre subjetividad y realidad. Pedagogía, 46(1), 19-39. Retrieved from

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