The 160/5000 relationship between intention to pursue university studies and linguistic competences of twelfth grade students in four public high school in Puerto Rico
Pedagogía, vol. 48 (2015)
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cultural-historical perspective
male students
Puerto Rico
Spanish languange competencies
university studies

How to Cite

Estrada-Fernández, A., Rosado-González, R., & Rodríguez-Arocho, W. (2015). The 160/5000 relationship between intention to pursue university studies and linguistic competences of twelfth grade students in four public high school in Puerto Rico. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 48(1), 72–97. Retrieved from


This article presents the findings of a research study that examined the relationship between two independent variables (students‘ grade average in Spanish language subject matter and students‘ perceptions of the study of the Spanish language) and one dependent variable (students‘ intentions to continue studying at institutions of higher education) among 711 students. The sample was representative of the twelfth grade male and female students enrolled in the public school system of Puerto Rico between January and May of 2012. The study explored whether a poor grade (average of C, D or F) in Spanish language classes (coded as regular, deficient or unacceptable command of the Spanish language competencies) and whether a negative perception of the study of the Spanish language could explain the lower proportion of registered male students in higher education in Puerto Rico. Data was gathered by means of a questionnaire. Six hypotheses about the relationship between variables were analyzed using chi-square tests of independence and logistic regression analyses. The findings demonstrate that students‘ intentions to continue their studies at institutions of higher education were not independent of a poor grade average in Spanish language classes, while students‘ intentions were independent of a negative perception of the study of the Spanish language. The findings also showed that students with a grade average of A or B in Spanish subject matter was two times more likely to continue studying at institutions of higher education. The findings lead to the conclusion that a poor command of Spanish language competencies is a factor that may explain in part the lower proportion of male students enrolled at institutions of higher education, a phenomenon occurring on the Island since the 1980s.

How to cite:
Estrada-Fernández, A., Rosado-González, R., & Rodríguez-Arocho, W. (2015). La relación entre intención de seguir estudios universitarios y competencias lingüísticas en estudiantes de cuarto año de escuela superior pública en Puerto Rico. Pedagogía, 48(1), 72-97. Retrieved from

PDF (Español (España))


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