Science vs Pseudo-science: Educational implications.
Cover, Number 27, December 2012
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problems of demarcation
science education

How to Cite

Jiménez-Tolentino, D. (2012). Science vs Pseudo-science: Educational implications. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), (27), 199–2011. Retrieved from


There prevails in society a general tendency towards the inclusion of pseudoscientific beliefs and practices. This research responds to the need of examining how the proliferation of pseudoscience affects scientific education. A literature review was conducted to analyze the implications of the problem of demarcation between science and pseudoscience for education. From the results, the researcher concludes that this problem is influenced by an educational process focused on a distorted view of science, which, in turns, is the product of not integrating the philosophical, historical and social aspects to it.

How to cite:
Jiménez-Tolentino, D. (2012). Ciencia vs. Pseudociencia: Implicaciones educativas. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 27, 199-2011. Retrieved from

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