Given the challenges that come with the advent of the knowledge era (competitiveness of the processes of globalization and regional integration) and the need for a "comprehensive model of knowledge and skills" that can guide the academic and the world of work for student life in higher education institutions, drew up a typology of trends in transformation of these institutions on the stage of transition to the knowledge era, which affects the functions of creation, transformation, research, dissemination, training and service to the society. To meet the challenges they bring such trends in academic and campus life, was also built, as a purpose, a typology of knowledge and skills as a platform, a reference and starting point for designing education and training to the extent that higher education institutions, businesses, educational institutions and professions should be taken into account for the articulation of their learning strategies, student life (graduate profile) and training, to guide and manage the requirements of competitiveness, the world of work and living of the citizenry. In addition, to meet the challenges of the new context, lines of action are recommended routes and strategies as institutions transition into the era of knowledge and its contribution in building autonomous, democratic and sustainable knowledge societies.
How to cite:
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