This article describes the exchange called Aulas Interactivas (Interactive Classrooms), which is part of the KOSKO project. The objective is to document a virtual and educational exchange experience between two countries. On this occasion, future teachers from Paraguay collaborated with graduate students from Puerto Rico. Participants from the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences in Asunción and the College of Education of the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras designed, implemented, and evaluated a virtual learning object (VLO), with topics relevant to their teaching careers. Traditionally, KOSKO links classes of future teachers; in Aulas Interactivas, future teacher students and graduate students worked together in a unique experience in the history of the project.
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KOSKO: Aulas Interactivas Paraguay y Puerto Rico. (2022, agosto). Libro de Conocimiento: Comparte tu poema “De dónde vengo”. KOSKO. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mC4P5kcMCFo3vPZ61LPGeA4Xe3bXfXG8lX1kbVxC9wk/edit?usp=sharing
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Proyecto KOSKO. (2022b). Proyecto KOSKO – Aulas interactivas en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Google Sites. https://sites.google.com/facen.una.py/facen-upro-oct2022/inicio?authuser=2
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