Cognitive psychology, neurocriminology, and education: Theoretical intersections for the reconfiguration of the criminal mind
Portada R|EDUCA 4(1)
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cognitive psychology
criminal behavior

How to Cite

Ramos-Rosado, W. I. (2021). Cognitive psychology, neurocriminology, and education: Theoretical intersections for the reconfiguration of the criminal mind. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 4(1), 1–11. Retrieved from


This paper examines key approaches offered by cognitive psychology and neurocriminology in the treatment against criminal behaviour, particularly within the area of education of inmates. These sciences broaden the spectrum of forensic psychology and provide alternatives for behavioural programs. Cognitive psychology and neurocriminology are contributing new perspectives for the study, understanding and treatment of behavioral problems and delinquency, exceeding conductive and positivists theories that constrained their perspective on crime to a simple equation of crime equals sanction. The body of knowledge advanced by the study of the brain and its neural network opens encouraging possibilities for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of violent conduct through education, leaving behind paradigms that focused on punishment instead of behavior modification, that have proven ineffective in a daily basis.

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