The NCLB federal law on public education in the United States and Puerto Rico: Development and impact, 2002-2015
Cover, Number 30, December 2015
PDF (Español (España))


educational reform
fiscal crisis
ESEA Reauthorization and possibilities
NCLB Act in Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Ramírez-Soto, I. (2015). The NCLB federal law on public education in the United States and Puerto Rico: Development and impact, 2002-2015. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), (30), 126–169. Retrieved from


This article discusses the implementation of the NCLB Act in Puerto Rico through five agendas used by USDOE to direct public education in the United States. It describes the adjustments President Obama made in 2009 and those that Puerto Rico had to adopt to moderate the demands of the law, negotiate more flexibility, and compete for new federal funds. It shows that in an effort to comply with the NCLB law, Puerto Rico has been saddled with onerous claims for increased efficiency and accountability in times of great austerity and fiscal retrenchment. This has weakened its constitutional legitimacy to direct and supervise education in the island and has triggered debates on who should and in what capacity should run the public schools in the island. The article concludes that although the situation in Puerto Rico is precarious, foreseen changes in the American educational landscape may represent opportunities to reconsider the notion of public accountability and the direction that the Federal Education Department has drawn up to Puerto Rico.

How to cite:
Ramírez-Soto, I. (2015). La Ley Federal de Educación Pública NCLB en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 30, 126-169. Retrieved from

PDF (Español (España))


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