Integrating the theoretical foundations of education with school reality using technological tools: Online dialogues between future science teachers and elementary school students
Portada Pedagogía, 38(1)
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teacher preparation
integration of technology
science teaching

How to Cite

Velázquez-Rivera, L. M., & Figarella-García, F. V. (2021). Integrating the theoretical foundations of education with school reality using technological tools: Online dialogues between future science teachers and elementary school students. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 38(1), 167–178. Retrieved from


How to cite:

Velázquez-Rivera, L. M. & Figarella-García, F. V. (2005). Integrando los fundamentos teóricos de la educación con la realidad escolar utilizando herramientas tecnológicas: Diálogos en línea entre futuros maestros de ciencia y estudiantes de escuela elemental. Pedagogía, 38(1), 167-178.

PDF (Español (España))


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