This article states the need for recognition and valorization of Dominican students in Puerto Rico‘s public schools. It starts with the discussion of various psychological and sociological educational considerations, which serve as a theoretical framework for the development of subsequent ideas. Additional themes discussed throughout this article include the consequences of Dominican immigration in the process of their integration to Puerto Rican society, the struggle of Dominican students to integrate into Puerto Rico‘s public schools, and the challenges that confront the public educational system to properly serve the multiethnic reality within their schools. Taking into consideration all the interrelated factors, the author proposes some alternatives to the problems and situations previously stated, framed within a social justice approach.
How to cite:
Scharrón-Del Río, M. A. (2014). Reconocimiento y valoración de los estudiantes dominicanos en las escuelas públicas de Puerto Rico: En ruta hacia la justicia social. Pedagogía, 47(1), 31-50. Retrieved https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/16355
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