Back to school after Hurricane Maria: Protective factors teachers promote after a socio-natural disaster
Portada REduca 02.02
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socio-natural disaster
protective factors
risk management
induction to the teaching profession

How to Cite

Vargas Díaz, S. C., & Zambrana Ortiz, N. (2019). Back to school after Hurricane Maria: Protective factors teachers promote after a socio-natural disaster. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 2(2), 1–26. Retrieved from


The recovery of a country after a natural disaster, such as the passing of Hurricane Maria at Puerto Rico during the year 2017, is an uphill and exhausting task that leaves many sequels both physically and emotionally. Teachers from public and private schools quickly returned to their jobs and initiated a series of actions to protect the school and themselves from the consequences of the devastation, using protective factors in the following areas: community, civic, administrative, socio-affective and academic. The purpose of this study was to explore the actions carried out by the Puerto Rican teachers during the emergency until participating in the research. The study followed an exploratory-descriptive design, using a self-administered online survey. The findings revealed that teachers carried out 19 protective activities since returning to schools until nine months later. These activities should be considered as actions to be carry on as part of an educative policy that offers support to the schools before the eventuality of natural disasters.

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