The Onto-Semiotic Approach for mathematical education research: A critical reflection
Cover, Number 26, December 2011
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mathematics education
semiotic function
teaching configuration
theoretical framework

How to Cite

Torres-Vázquez, W. A. (2011). The Onto-Semiotic Approach for mathematical education research: A critical reflection. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), (26), 54–69. Retrieved from


The Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) is a comprehensive theoretical framework that organizes, unifies and clarifies notions of other theories, approaches and models to describe and investigate, in a holistic way, the processes of learning and teaching mathematics. It has been simmering since the early 1980s under the leadership of Dr. Juan D. Godino at the University of Granada, and at present it has been applied to examine the didactic processes of various mathematical topics. This essay proposes some changes and clarifications to specific issues in each of the five components in which the EOS is divided: practice systems, objects and processes, didactic configurations, norm systems, and educational adequacy. These components are interrelated and based on socio-constructivist, semiotic and interactionist postulates.

How to cite:
Torres-Vázquez, W. A. (2011). El Enfoque Ontosemiótico para la investigación en educación matemática: Una reflexión crítica. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 26, 54-69. Retrieved from

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