Cómo citar:
Porrata, O. E. (1954). Educational research in Puerto Rico with special reference to work already done and to priorities for the future. Pedagogía, 2(2), 7-28. Recuperado de https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/16580
Aida A. Vergne, Improving ln-service Education for Beginning Teachers in the Elementary Schools of Puerto Rico. Ed. D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1951. (Unpublished).
Efraín Sánchez Hidalgo, A Study of the Symbiotic Relationships Between Friends . Ph. D. Dissertation, Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia University, New York, c1951. A microfilmed copy can be obtained from University Microfilms. Ann Arbor, Michigan. A copy of the microfilm is deposited in the General Library, University of Puerto Rico.
Harold Rugg, Foundations for American Education. New York, World Book Company, 1947.
Harvey S. Perloff, Puerto Rico's Economic Future. Chicago, Illinois, The University of Chicago Press, 1950.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou, El analfabetismo en Puerto Rico. A study conducted by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. Puerto Rico, 1945.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al., Análisis de publicaciones para adultos. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., 1947.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al, Estudio de los índices académicos de escuela superior como criterio de admisión a la Universidad. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., 1947.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al., Problems of Education in Puerto Rico, 287 p. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., 1947.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al, Estudio sobre varios aspectos del aprovechamiento académico en la Universidad de Puerto Rico. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, P. R., 1948.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al., La composición escrita en la lengua elemental. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., 1949.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al., Estudio sobre preferencias cromáticas y tipos de ilustraciones. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., 1950.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al., Educación de adultos: orientaciones y técnicas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1952.
lsmael Rodríguez Bou et al., La lengna hablada en la escuela elemental. A study undertaken by the Superior Educational Council of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., 1952.
Ismael Rodríguez Bou et al., Recuento de vocabulario español. Trabajo de investigación auspiciado por el Consejo Superior de Enseñanza, Universidad
de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., Vol. I, 1952.
Lydia J. Roberts and Rosa Luisa Stéfani, Patterns of Living in Puerto Rican Families. University of Puerto Rico, 1949.
Marion García, The Guidance of the Normal School Student. Ed. D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York, 1958. (Unpublished).
Oscar E. Porrata, Retardation in the Elementary Urban Schools of Puerto Rico. San Juan, P. R., the University of Puerto Rico Bulletin, Series X, No. 1, Bureau of Supplies, Printing and Transportation, 1940.
Oscar E. Porrata, A Suggested Policy for the Administration and Control of Public Education in Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, P. R., Bureau of Publications, Puerto Rico Teachers Association, Educational Monograph No. 2, 1949.
Ramón Mellado, Culture and Education in Puerto Rico. San Juan, P. R., Bureau of Publications, Puerto Rico Teachers Association. Educational Monograph, No. l, 1948.
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