"The Reading Club has made me happy": An action research
Portada REduca 02.02
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reading club
aesthetic reading
perception of reading
reading activities
action research

How to Cite

Rivera-Fernández, Y., Sánchez-Cardona, D., & Navarro-Colón, L. I. (2019). "The Reading Club has made me happy": An action research. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 2(2), 1–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/17008


This article presents the findings of an action research, which purpose was to explore how participating on a reading club positively contributes to the development of aesthetic reading (reading for pleasure) in elementary school students that showed challenges with reading and were participants on an RTI literacy development group. The techniques used to collect the information were a pre-test, a questionnaire, three journal entries, a post-test and the participation on a focus group. The research was based on the constructivist approach to education which is based on learning through personal construction of meaning. Reading is seen as an activity of transactional interaction between the reader and the text, as proposed by Rosenblatt (1995). Among the most significant findings, we saw that the integration of snacks, dramatizations, book loans and enriched activities surrounding the shared readings brought satisfaction, enjoyment and participation to the students.

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