Desarrollo humano y el surgimiento de las potencialidades humanas
Portada Pedagogía, vol 11, número 1
PDF (English)

Palabras clave

desarrollo humano
potencialidad humana
escuela y potencialidad humana

Cómo citar

MacDonald, J. B. (2022). Desarrollo humano y el surgimiento de las potencialidades humanas. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 11(1), 113–127. Recuperado a partir de


MacDonald, J. B. (1963). Human development and the emergence of human potentialities. Pedagogía, 11(1), 113-127.

PDF (English)


Allport, Gordon "Becoming" Yale University Press, Inc. 1955.

Buber, Martin "Between Man and Man", Beacon Press, Boston, 1955.

Erikson, Eric "Childhood and Society" Yale University Press 1955.

Fromm, Erich "Man for Himself" Reinhart and Co., Inc. 1952.

Fromm, Erich, "The Sane Society", Reinhart and Co., Inc. 1955, p. 25.

Gesell, A and Ilg., F. "The Child from Five to Ten" Harper & Brothers, N Y., 1946.

Havighurst, Robert "Developmental Tasks and Education" Longmans, Green & Co., N. Y., 1952.

Lindner, Robert "Prescription for Rebellion."

Maslon "Creativity and Culture," edited by H. H. Anderson.

Shands, Harley. "Thinking and sychotherapy", Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1960.

Schactel, Ernest. "Metamorphosis", Basic Books, Inc. N. Y., 1959.

Thomas, W. I. and Znaniecki, Floridan. "Three Types of Personality from the Polish Peasant in Europe and America, represented in Theories of Society, edited by Talcott Parsons, Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. 1961.

Tillich, Paul "The Courage To be" Yale University Press, Inc., 1952.

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