Attitude and its effect on exports in small and medium-sized enterprises in Puerto Rico: Multisales study
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How to Cite

Ortiz Soto, M. (2014). Attitude and its effect on exports in small and medium-sized enterprises in Puerto Rico: Multisales study. Fórum Empresarial, 19(1 Verano), 53–73.


Most Puerto Rican SME‘s have a domestic focus, which may require an analysis of the factors that influence the decision- making process. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the attitude of the entrepreneur/owner toward export business, risks, and innovation on the behavior (decision-making) toward exportation. The research intention is to compare the characteristics of the non-exporters, exporters, and former exporters by the use of multicase study. The study revealed that the attitudes toward export business and toward risks are the factors that most influence behavior toward export activity.
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