The effect of the laboratory on the students' use of the course Quantitative Methods for Business Administration I
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quantitative methods
business administration

How to Cite

Velázquez Rosado, W., Villafañe Cepeda, W., & Vega Vilca, J. C. (2015). The effect of the laboratory on the students’ use of the course Quantitative Methods for Business Administration I. Fórum Empresarial, 20(1 Verano), 59–77.


This study investigated the effect of the laboratories in the achievement of the students in the course of Quantitative Methods for Business Administration I. The literature indicates that the use of laboratories in diffrent classes, including Mathematics, has had a positive impact on the achievement of the students. Through an analysis of covariance (pvalue menor que 0.05), it was found that the means of the midterm exam, as well as the final exam, were higher for the student that attended the laboratories when compared to the students who did not attend the laboratories, demonstrating the effectiveness of this strategy.
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