Cross-cultural training as a source of competitive advantage
Portada del volumen 22, número 2 2017
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cross-cultural training

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Mirabal Martínez, A. (2017). Cross-cultural training as a source of competitive advantage. Fórum Empresarial, 22(2 Invierno), 31–57.


The present article of a theoretical nature addresses cross-cultural training as a success factor to promote external adjustment. In that sense, a documentary and critical review of the subject, and the analysis pursuant to agency theories, transaction costs, and dynamic capacities allow the formulation of a body of propositions; the latter help to estimate, among other considerations, that the degree of effectiveness of the referred practice can not only differ according to cultural distance, type of expatriate employee, and strategic approach; but, as an unintended effect, the acquired technical and multicultural skills may be susceptible to personal benefit, when weaknesses in control mechanisms or inadequate human resources policies are conductive to the presence of opportunistic behavior or conflicts of interest between parties.
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