Managing by values as a model of implementation in the Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences of the University of La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia
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managing by values
quality of life

How to Cite

Sánches Diez, A. F. (2013). Managing by values as a model of implementation in the Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences of the University of La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia. Fórum Empresarial, 1(2.1), 1–7.


The Universidad de La Salle, of Bogotá, Colombia has as a mission "the integral education and the generations of knowledge that contributes to the social and productive transformation of the country" (Proyecto Educativo Universitario Lasallista, 2007). Parting from this mission within the faculty of administrative and accounting sciences, a model of academic and administrative management, based on managing by values (MBV) is proposed. The research aims to realize a prospective vision of improvement of the Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences of the Universidad de La Salle, by implementing a model of MBV in its senior management (directors), as a cornerstone of the development of the associated personnel to the faculty and the students. The methodology was focused on the accomplishment of a descriptive research through the collection of information, through direct observation and exploratory recognition.
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