Otras orientaciones filosóficas en la educación norteamericana
Pedagogía, vol. 6, núm. 2 (1958)
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educación norteamericana
corrientes filosóficas

Comment citer

Rosado, D. (2021). Otras orientaciones filosóficas en la educación norteamericana. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 6(2), 17–38. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/18736


Ponencia presentada en el Seminario de Educación Norteamericana.

Cómo citar:

Rosado. D. (1958). Otras orientaciones filosóficas en la educación norteamericana. Pedagogía, 6(2), 17-38.

PDF (Español (España))


Brameld, Theodore, Toward a Reconstructed Philosophy of Education, New York., The Dryden Press.

Brameld, Theodore, Philosophies of Education in Cultural Perspective, New York, The Dryden Press.

Brameld, Theodore, Culture and Philosophy, The Educational Forum, enero de 1958.

Breed, F. S., Education and the New Realism, New York, The MacMillan Company.

Broudy, Harry S., Buuilding a Philosophy of Education, New York, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1954.

Butler, Donald J., Four Philosophies and their Meaning for Education and Religion.

Finney, Ross L., A Sociological Philosophy of Education, New York, The MacMillan Company.

Henry, Nelson B., Philosophies of Education, Part 1, Forty-First Yearbook, National Society for the Study of Education, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill.

Hoemle, R. F. Alfred. Idealism as a Philosophy, New York, George H. Dosan Company.

Sellars, Roy W., The Philosophy of Physical Realism, New York, The MacMillan Company.

Whitehead, Arthur N., The Aims of Education and Other Essays, New York, The MacMillan Company.

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