This qualitative research addresses the experiences of university students with occupational indecision in the light of two main aspects: their identity formation processes and their socio-economic reality. The approach to the concept of identity formation was based on the model of Marcia (1989) and the theory of vocational development of Donald Super. The strategy used was the phenomenological interview. Ten undergraduate students from the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, were interviewed among those that sought counseling in the Department of Student Development Counseling (DCODE, for its Spanish acronym) for the first time. It stands out that Marcia‘s identity formation model can be used as an intervention guide in the counseling process with participants. The model stages facilitate the development of an intervention plan through which clients can overcome their indecision and make an appropriate career selection. Following the findings, recommendations are offered for the development and improvement of occupational counseling services in the Department of Education, in higher education institutions in Puerto Rico and for the practice of occupational counseling.
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