Complexity is a queer epistemology
Pedagogía, vol. 44 (2011)
PDF (Español (España))


complexity paradigm
binary logic

How to Cite

Román, M. (2011). Complexity is a queer epistemology. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 44(1), 133–140. Retrieved from


The recognition of a growing social complexity should be accompanied by the adoption of the paradigm of complexity as a central scheme of any contemporary educational project. This paper proposes a dialogic between the paradigm of complexity and the queer as signifier. Their common denominators are uncertainty and unmentionableness as constituting the world as it is, that is, the recognition of that which is not likely to be considered from any binary logic. The educational task is to place knowledge at the service of life and at the height of complexity of the present time.

How to cite:
Román, M. (2011). La complejidad es una epistemología queer. Pedagogía, 44(1), 133-140. Retrieved from

PDF (Español (España))


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