Teenagers learn by playing: Gamification as a teaching strategy
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ludic activities
games and teaching
educational technology

How to Cite

Sandoval-Borges, J. W. (2019). Teenagers learn by playing: Gamification as a teaching strategy. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 2(1), 1–5. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/16070


In this era, technology plays a major role in culture. This requires teachers to make use of different methods, strategies and educational approaches. This essay argues that the new generation of students learn differently. For them, the gamification of learning can contribute to their learning, motivating them and improving their commitment, which leads to better academic achievement. In addition, we include examples of educational institutions that promote the use of gamification and report positive findings, as well as digital tools that allow their integration into the curriculum. Finally, we briefly discuss some research and theoretical bases that support this strategy and its benefits when it is integrated in the right way as part of the instructional design of a course.

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