This article discusses the theoretical and practical guidelines generated from a qualitative research that analyzed the meanings of the learning experiences of a group of volunteers, called "ronderos", offering community service to homeless people: a setting of inequality and oppression. Participatory observations, dialogic spaces and document analysis collected the voices and practices of the volunteers, which in turn were translated into six categories of analysis. The outcomes of the narratives revealed that Street-Classroom (Aula-Calle) is a transdisciplinary alternative space for the formation of the "ronderos" as co-actors forging social justice and health equity. The theoretical and practical guidelines originated from this research contribute to the theorizing and systematizing of a dissident curriculum for social justice that applies to diverse academic disciplines and non-academic spaces. The guidelines discussed in this article become a letter of hope in the struggle of a more just and equitable society, a responsibility that transcends disciplines.
How to cite:
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