Vol. 1 No. 17 (2021): Avances Y Retrocesos en los derechos humanos
Avances Y Retrocesos en los derechos humanos


Waldemiro Vélez Cardona, Natalia Santos Orozco
8 págs.
Prólogo: Avances y retrocesos en los derechos humanos
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Daniel Nina
18 págs
The Legal Culture that ceased to be the standard: from the Culture of Human Rights to Simple Pragmatism
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Andrés López Román
24 págs.
Vulnerability, negotiation, and human rights: Political and economic distraction in the case of the U.S Navy in Vieques P.R.
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Dayna M. Arroyo Meléndez, Sara E. Gavrell Ortiz
24 págs.
Obstetric Violence and Women's Rights: A Look at Episiotomy in Puerto Rico
PDF (Español (España))
Natalia Santos Orozco, Abimar Colón Martínez, Valeria Lee Jaime Hernández, Fabiana Inés Marini Martínez, Gloryann A. Montijo González
39 págs.
Feeling-Thinking Human Rights: Reflections on a Summer Course
PDF (Español (España))
Anita Yudkin Suliveres
28 págs.
Reflections on Educating for Human Rights and Peace: Principles, Tensions, and Challenges in Current Times
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Rodolfo de Puzo
34 págs.
The José Julián Acosta y Calbo School, specialized in the teaching of theater. Its pedagogical, sociocultural, and human rights scopes
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Bertold Salas Murillo
25 págs.
Because Seeing is Doing. The Project Espectadores/Creadores and the Cinematographic Reception Theory
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Ángel Luis Olmeda
13 págs
The Missionary Effort in the Sixteenth Century: Music and the Dominican Friar Luis Cáncer, OP.
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Carlos Rojas Osorio
17 págs
Review: Pablo Guadarrama, Democracia y derechos humanos
PDF (Español (España))