Modelo de intervención en consejería grupal como método para reducir el riesgo en la conducta sexual de la mujer con el VIH en tratamiento
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risk sexual behavior
sexual behavior
change strategies
group counseling

How to Cite

Garay Sánchez, G., Villafañe Santiago, A., Miranda Ortiz, M. T., & Tosado Acevedo, R. (2009). Modelo de intervención en consejería grupal como método para reducir el riesgo en la conducta sexual de la mujer con el VIH en tratamiento. Revista Griot, 3(1), 9–22. Retrieved from


This article is about risk reduction in sexual behavior of women receiving treatment for HIV. The impact of group counseling for women at several of the Department of Health‘s Centers for Treatment and Prevention of STDs is described in this paper. Changes in sexual behavior were observed as well as improvements in self-esteem, beliefs about sexual behavior, HIV treatment, and attitudes towards revealing their HIV diagnosis. 
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