Opinions on knowledge and use of health, nutritional, counseling and mental health services with college athletes in Puerto Rico
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college athletes

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Francia Pérez, M., Serra-Taylor, J., Agostini-Aguiar, L., Nevarez-Alonso, C., Jurado-Andino, M., Fernández-Hernández, N., … Jaime-Antúnez-De-Mayolo, C. (2021). Opinions on knowledge and use of health, nutritional, counseling and mental health services with college athletes in Puerto Rico. Revista Griot, 14(1), 29–41. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/18438


The objective of this research was to know the opinion of the student athletes of the Río Piedras Campus of the University of Puerto Rico, first, on their knowledge and use of medical, nutrition, counseling and mental health services; second, the convenience of receiving services in the same place and in a coordinated manner; and third, the consequences of their academic and athletic performance by not having received these. To achieve this, a poll of 14 questions was administered to 154 student athletes of the university campus. It is concluded that almost two thirds do not know about medical services, nine out of ten do not know about counseling services and almost all do not know about nutrition and mental health services, in addition that most of the student-athletes surveyed have not received any type of primary medicine, nutrition, counseling or mental health service. Based on the results obtained, it can also be concluded that it would be convenient for student athletes to have integrated services in the same place and in a coordinated way. In addition, the student-athletes surveyed believe that the absence of these services has affected them moderately or significantly in their academic, physical and sports performance.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Mario Francia Pérez, Jose Serra-Taylor, Luis Agostini-Aguiar, Carmen Nevárez-Alonso, Michelle Jurado-Andino, Nivia Fernández-Hernández, Freddie Ramos-Lugo, Alexandra Rivera-González, Claudia Jaime-Antúnez-De-Mayolo


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