Business investment in research and development (R-D): Business strategy for the 21st century in Puerto Rico?
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research and development
business strategy
Puerto Rico
corporate investment

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Lobato Vico, M. (2013). Business investment in research and development (R-D): Business strategy for the 21st century in Puerto Rico?. Fórum Empresarial, 18(1 Verano), 1–25.


Two thirds (67%) of total investment in Research and Development (R-D) activities in Puerto Rico is made by the business sector. This paper analyzes the data from the Pilot Survey on Research and Development and finds that a group of startups or new enterprises focused on R-D activities has been developed, but the total amount of R-D investment is not enough to consider this as a generalized strategy or one of deep impact on the economy. Corporate investment in R-D in Puerto Rico is strongly associated with subsidiaries of multinational corporations from the United States, as well as with specific industrial subsectors, in particular with the chemical industry (pharmaceutical) and the subsector of research and development services.
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