Human capital practices used by Mexican SMEs
Portada del Vol. 23, Núm. 1, 2018
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Human Resource
Human Capital
Human capital practices

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Camarena Adame, M. E., & Saavedra García, M. L. (2018). Human capital practices used by Mexican SMEs. Fórum Empresarial, 23(1 Verano), 5–33.


The objective of this research was to make a diagnosis of the use of human capital practices in the SMEs of the Federal District to understand their adoption by this business sector as well as to establish their relationship to the size of the companies and the entrepreneur‘s level of education. Transversal descriptive research was carried out with data collection through fieldwork applying a structured survey, to a sample of 300 volunteering companies. The main findings demonstrate that human capital practices are starting to be used especially in micro-sized companies; and that there is a positive relationship between the size of the company and the entrepreneur‘s level of education with the use of an organizational chart. Also, it was established that there is a positive relationship between the entrepreneur‘s level of education and the adoption of human capital practices in SMEs..
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