Apparel: Sewing and Fashion Design Courses


business management
strategic management
industry analysis
family business

How to Cite

Lebrón Cajigas, C. J. (2014). Apparel: Sewing and Fashion Design Courses. Fórum Empresarial, 2(1.1), 15–30.


Vilma Martínez is an entrepreneur from Puerto Rico that started a sewing school that kept growing and expanding into related courses and businesses. Those businesses reach several industries such as education, fashion, and entertainment. Besides having to deal with the management of the marketing, operations, human resources, and other functions, she also had to face problems that are particular to family businesses and to new businesses. Even though the economic environment in PR and the industry environment were very difficult, there were also social and demographic factors that helped her sewing school segment to experience significant growth. The growth of the sewing school was also due to the advertising, pricing, and other marketing activities implemented and that kept evolving over time from constant experimentation. Many strategic issues are presented, including relocation, larger facilities, accreditation, and the hiring of non-family employees.

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