La Docta Ignorancia de Nicolás de Cusa y su relación con el pensamiento mítico
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rational knowledge

How to Cite

Villalón Sorzano, J. R. (2017). La Docta Ignorancia de Nicolás de Cusa y su relación con el pensamiento mítico. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 5(2), 23–35. Retrieved from


Envisaging the highest religious truths in his famous book "De Docta Ignorantia", Nicholas de Cusa develops a certain methodology showing a most interesting theory on human understanding. Starting from an ontological position close to that of Parmenides, he draws a gnoseological conception about our way of knowing things sublime, which can only be grasped by approximation or resemblance, which absolute truth escapes or eludes the human rational intent. "Learned ignorance" is therefore the special quality of the person who has internalized this state of affairs, that is to say, of the person who has introduced the incomprehensibility factor in his or her way of thinking. I purport to show in this paper the connections between this point of view and my own vision about a theory of myth.
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