Prepared to function in spite of: The Covid-19 pandemic as a push factor towards reliance and the sustenance of libraries –an academic library’s experience
Portada Actas ACURIL 2022/Proccedings 2022

Supplementary Files



innovation and change

How to Cite

Peters, R. ., La Rose, S. ., Schwiers, K. ., & Bhagwandin, N. . (2022). Prepared to function in spite of: The Covid-19 pandemic as a push factor towards reliance and the sustenance of libraries –an academic library’s experience. Acceso. Puertorrican Journal of Library and Information Science, 21 págs. Retrieved from


The COVID-19 pandemic affected institutions globally. The first imported case was recorded in Guyana on March 11, 2020 and the University of Guyana closed its doors to all services on March 16, 2020, referring to it as the hard lock down. 

Though unprepared and with this exponential change, there was still the need to continue operations of services and the library was non- exception, with resilience definitely needed for sustenance; translating into innovative work behavior resulting in a series of transformations. All in all, to continue servicing and further to prove our strength and relevance today. Continued operating entailed shifting from the way how services were provided and with each staff reimagining ways to connect and keep providing for the patrons.

Resilience at the very basic is synonymous with words such as the ability to survive, adapt, and thrive no matter what the situation. And this warrants quick thinking, commitment and flexibility - focusing on operating with the resources, but in a different way.

And as one of our service caption reads Our physical doors may be closed! but we are still open to serve you speaks to the fact that in spite of, we were ready to stay the course.

The pandemic proved to be the driving force for the means towards an end.

This poster proposal seeks to delineate pathways taken by the University of Guyana Berbice Campus (UGBC) Library in order to sustain the library operations; further some opportunities and challenges experienced will also be highlighted in the face of this sudden disruption.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Rachel Peters, Simone La Rose, Keon Schwiers, Nalisa Bhagwandin


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