Cuban Association of Librarians in Villa Clara: notes for its history
Portada Volumen 3 2022
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Association libraries
History of libraries
Cuban history
Cuba--Villa Clara

How to Cite

Paz Enrique , L. E., Frías Guzmán , M., & Manso Rodríguez , R. A. . (2022). Cuban Association of Librarians in Villa Clara: notes for its history . Acceso. Puertorrican Journal of Library and Information Science, 3(1), 32 págs. Retrieved from


The history of library associations in Cuba has been scarcely addressed in the published scientific literature. Few investigations with historical notes on these organizations, mostly located in the capital, are identified. The search for references showed there is no research that systematizes the particularities of the founding of the branch of the Cuban Association of Librarians in the province of Villa Clara. The objective was set: to characterize the genesis and development of the branch of the Cuban Association of Librarians in Villa Clara. The research classifies as historical and documentary. To obtain results, methods were used at the theoretical and empirical levels, fundamentally the interview and documentary analysis. The genesis of the creation of the subsidiary is examined, identifying the main figures who were on the board of directors of the same. The history of the subsidiary is addressed as an expression of the expansion of the association to the center of the island through the relationship of facts related to its emergence and development. The main professionals who had a leading role in the association between 1987 to 2022 are identified. The branch in the province of Villa Clara was one of the first to be created and contributed to the progress of professionals and information institutions in the territory. For many years the subsidiary was one of the most prominent in the country, reflecting the work of information professionals in the territory.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Ernesto Paz Enrique , Maylín Frías Guzmán , Ramón Alberto Manso Rodríguez


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