Characterization of the maturation process by changes in pineapple fruit texture

How to Cite

Vega-Mercado, H., & Beauchamp de Caloni, I. (1989). Characterization of the maturation process by changes in pineapple fruit texture. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 73(3), 265–273.


An objective indicator of the ripening level of fruit is the peel texture. A texturometer was used to determine the penetration stress as a function of ripening time in mature-green pineapples (Red Spanish). The ripening was achieved under controlled temperature (65° F) and relative humidity (85%) conditions. Penetration stress as a function of ripening time showed significant differences. These differences were used to classify the ripening stage of the fruit. Meanwhile, pineapples showed a penetration stress profile which coincided with the traditional ripening classification in terms of the peel color and its distribution on the fruit.


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