Sapodilla (Manilkara sapota L. V. Rogen, Achras sapota Linn.) variety trials at southern Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Vélez-Colón, R., Beauchamp de Caloni, I., & Martínez-Garrastazú, S. (1989). Sapodilla (Manilkara sapota L. V. Rogen, Achras sapota Linn.) variety trials at southern Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 73(3), 255–264.


Seventeen varieties of sapodilla (Manilkara sapota L. V. Rogen, Achras sapota Linn.) were planted in 1971 at the Fortuna Experiment Substation, Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico, following a randomized block layout with three replications. During the seasons of 1982-83 through 1986-87 (December through April), the fruits were harvested for evaluation as to appearance, flavor, brix, pH, acidity, % reducing sugars, % total sugars, number of fruits per tree, yield (kg) and average fruit weight per variety (g). In spite of the fact that the data were not statistically analyzed because of many observed variations, valuable information was obtained and is herein reported. Several varieties achieved acceptability, depending on the criterion used. However, the Larsen variety appears to be one of the best producers as well as the highest rated as to flavor. Russel was preferred as to appearance by the tasting panel. Other varieties were found acceptable in terms of the various parameters studied, such as Jamaica 5, Prolific, Morning Star and Timothe.
