A Case Study of a Complex Case of Borderline Personality Disorder
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Borderline personality disorder
traumatic experiences
evidence-based psychotherapies
reparative therapies

How to Cite

Martínez-Taboas, A. (2017). A Case Study of a Complex Case of Borderline Personality Disorder. Revista Griot, 10(1), 3–14. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/8782


Individuals with a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) usually presents many challenges at the moment of offering some type of effective treatment. For example, these clientsusually presents comorbidities, prolonged abusive and traumatic histories, and a severe symptomatology that typically reveals a fragile ego-state, emotional dysregulation, and a tendency to report constant and repetitive interpersonal conflicts, especially in intimate relationships. The case of Camilo presented a wide plethora of clinical complications that were recalcitrant to previous treatment by four different clinical psychologists. One of the peculiarities of this case is that Camilo evidenced an ego-dystonic homosexuality that was previously treated by a psychologists using a "reparative therapy" that only deepened his anguish and confusion. In the case of Camilo, the development of a strong therapeutic alliance permitted to uncover some traumatic experiences that configured his conceptualization of himself as a gay man. Additionally, some evidence-based treatments for BPD were utilized, with the result that Camilo slowly but consistently began to experiment different new forms of perceiving his past, his future and himself. At the conclusion of his treatment, Camilo embraced positively some challenges and was functioning with additional strengths and resiliency.

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