El bilingüismo como expresión de la multiculturalidad
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language development

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Serra Taylor, J. A., & Ramírez Santiago, A. A. El bilingüismo como expresión de la multiculturalidad. Revista Griot, 1(4), 44–54. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/1903


It was a qualitative and longitudinal study about teaching bilingual education through the development of reading and writing skills on four girls of the public education system. The data revealed that girls first learn to relate the drawing made with the letters of the alphabet. The way they did it was through letter sounds. It was also observed that when the girls felt comfortable with script, began to write in another language (English), either by typing sentences in Spanish or translated or combining words or starting first in one language and ending at another.

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