Autoeficacia y Rendimiento Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios
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academic achievement

How to Cite

Serra Taylor, J. A. (2014). Autoeficacia y Rendimiento Académico en Estudiantes Universitarios. Revista Griot, 3(2), 37–45. Retrieved from


This study examined the role of efficacy beliefs (self-efficacy) on skills and academic achievement in college students. Through a descriptive correlational design 320 college students were surveyed whose average age was 23.7 years old. A self-administered questionnaire composed of 18 items with demographics information and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Sanjuan Suarez, Perez Garcia, & Bermudez Moreno, 2000; Schwarzer & Baessler, 1996) was used. The data showed a positive and direct correlation between perceived self-efficacy and academic achievement (r = 0.118, p = .040). These data showed a significant positive and bidirectional influence between efficacy beliefs and academic achievement of college students.

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