En torno al rechazo, la salud mental y la resiliencia en un grupo de jóvenes universitarios gays, lesbianas y bisexuales
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mental health
college students

How to Cite

Fernández Rodríguez, M. del C., & Vázquez Calle, F. (2016). En torno al rechazo, la salud mental y la resiliencia en un grupo de jóvenes universitarios gays, lesbianas y bisexuales. Revista Griot, 6(1), 44–65. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/1623


These descriptive transsectional study explores aspects related to mental health and resilience in 44 youth identified as gays, lesbians and bisexuals (GLB). A survey and a semi structured interviews were conducted. Approximately one in three young people surveyed showed suicidal thoughts. The 18.2% of all young people carried out suicide attempts, which represented about 50% of those who expressed suicidal thoughts. Young people with suicidal thoughts respondents reported a mean score significantly lower on scales of mental health and vitality, but a higher score on the scale of perceived stigma. 75% of GLB youth respondents exhibited high levels of self-esteem and resilience. These findings account for the inherent complexity related to be accepted as gay, lesbian or bisexual, since the person wants to express himself, even with the social costs that entails and implies.
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