What is a family? From a diversity perspective in Puerto Rico
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How to Cite

Nina-Estrella, R. V. (2018). What is a family? From a diversity perspective in Puerto Rico. Revista Griot, 11(1), 34–52. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/15161


There is a tendency to generalize and homogenize the family, obscuring the diversity observed in the country. By homogenizing the family, the state adopts a discourse which excludes family diversity during the development of social policies, also affecting how and what services are provided for these groups. Nontraditional families are usually excluded in a context of fragility. Considering these elements, an examination of other family structures prevailing in the country is proposed: (1) single parent, (2) homoparental, (3) immigrants (4) stepfamily, (5) intergenerational, and (6) of young parents. The present study was aimed to analyze the notion of family. For each family structure five (5) persons were interviewed, totaling 30 interviews with parents or responsible persons:  The results show common elements shared by different family structures: meaning of their children, processes of socialization and their roles as father and mother. As well, many divergent elements that are unique characteristics of each family were found:1) in single-parent families the notion is based on the meaning of children, 2) in homoparental, the paternity/maternity is shared between the couple, 3) in immigrants is characterized by family cohesion, 4) in stepfamilies, past experiences promote new identities, 5) intergenerational families are highly authoritarian and 6) youth families, committed to raising their children. Future studies are proposed which may contribute to a better understanding of family diversity, considering the realities of each family structure.

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