Establishing Facts and Myths About Religious Factors Concerning Mental Health: A Critical Examination
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Mental Health

How to Cite

Pagán-Torres, O. M., & González-Rivera, J. A. (2018). Establishing Facts and Myths About Religious Factors Concerning Mental Health: A Critical Examination. Revista Griot, 11(1), 87–101. Retrieved from


Psychology and religion were seen as mutually exclusive and dichotomous in its beginning. However, during the last decades has taken place the incorporation of a modern vision that integrates the development of clinical techniques with spiritual basis within the clinical work, relieving the tensions between psychology and religion. The aim of this article is to critically discuss four facts firmly established by contemporary research about religion and mental health. On the other hand, four empirical myths about these topics are confronted through empirical literature. The authors document scientific and updated information with the purpose of raising awareness in the scientific community with data that allow a realistic and unbiased view based on the best available evidence concerning the topic of religion and mental health.

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