A Brief Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

How to Cite

Jurado Andino, M. (2017). A Brief Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Revista Griot, 10(1), 70–87. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/11907


With this paper the author aims to offer the reader with a brief theoretical and practical introduction to the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).  It provides a summary of the theoretical origin and the empirical evidence that suggests the potential applicability of the model to the Puerto Rican sociocultural context.  The main concepts and objectives of ACT are discussed and some experiential exercises and interventions are described to familiarize the reader with the basic therapeutic processes that underlie this model of psychotherapy.  As part of the discussion, a fictitious case conceptualization based on the ACT model is included.  The paper concludes with a reflection on the author's experience with this therapy model in her clinical practice and suggests potential directions for future investigations aiming to expand the empirical evidence base that can shed light on the applicability and effectiveness of this psychotherapy model in Puerto Rico.

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