Historical analysis of the profession of finance in Puerto Rico from 1898 to 2010
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finance profession
financial occupations
labor market-historical analysis
finance degree offerings

How to Cite

Rivera Aponte, Ángel L., Cádiz Ocasio, L., & Gely Rojas, L. (2015). Historical analysis of the profession of finance in Puerto Rico from 1898 to 2010. Fórum Empresarial, 20(2 Invierno), 51–86. https://doi.org/10.33801/fe.v20i2.3314


This study presents an historical descriptive analysis on the evolution of the finance profession in Puerto Rico, from 1898 until 2010. We found that the finance discipline was disaggregated regarding the academic programs offered at the higher educa tion level. Moreover, as part of a country‘s economic process finance discipline developed and grew due to the requirements of the labor and industrial markets in terms of the titles of occupations. We found that females dominate the profession of finance; however, the study demonstrates a level of wage gap among most of the occupations in this professional field against females.
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