The skills of a teleworker for competitiveness
Portada del volumen 22, número 2 2017
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Guzmán Duque, A. P., & Abreo Villamizar, C. A. (2017). The skills of a teleworker for competitiveness. Fórum Empresarial, 22(2 Invierno), 5–30.


The adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in organizations favors business competitiveness. This article presents teleworking as a hiring mechanism through the use of ICT and the need to define the competencies related to a teleworker‘s activities. The research was carried out with 114 entrepreneurs of the footwear sector in Bucaramanga, Colombia to ascertain their perceptions on the adoption of this work modality. The results reflect that hiring teleworkers will require establishing trust and developing skills that go beyond their computer knowledge. Entrepreneurs present evidence that teleworkers must be responsible, creative, innovative, compliant with their duty, and develop the competencies related to communication, time management, and literacy to improve business competitiveness.
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