Bodarky, C. J. (1962). Juvenile delinquency: Some shibboleths. Pedagogía, 10(2), 93-98.
W. LLOYD WARNER and PAUL S. LUNT, The Social Life of a nModern Community, New Haven. Yale University Press, 1941, pag. 427.
FREDERIC M. THRASHER, Prevention of Delinquency in an Overprivileged. Neighborhood, Proceedings of the National Conference
of Juvenile Agencies, XI, April, 1944, pags. 96-106.
WILLIAM IC. KVARACEUS, Juvenile Delinquency and the School, World Book Company, 1945, pag. 98.
ALBERT K. CoHEN, Delinquent Boys and the Culture of the Gang, The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois, 1955, pags. 21-58.
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