The importance of the early formation of children and youngest readers and the support of school, public and academic libraries
Portada, Volumen 4, 2023
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academic reading formation

How to Cite

Ferrer Nieves, I. (2023). The importance of the early formation of children and youngest readers and the support of school, public and academic libraries. Acceso. Puertorrican Journal of Library and Information Science, 4(1), 13 págs. Retrieved from


The early training of children and young people in reading is vital.  Therefore, it’s important that children and young people receive support for reading habits from caregivers and librarians.  The school, public and academic library are the spaces par excellence where the reading of human beings can be strengthened.  From the reviewed literature it can be deduced that this ability is necessary in school and university settings, in addition to the fact that its development implies that the human being can be a lifelong learner.  It is through the skill of the reading habit that the human being can recognize, interpret, and understand what is read.  This paper presents the importance of developing reading habits from elementary school and in the university environment. Some examples of the UNESCO chair for reading in Latin America and other reading experiences in universities in other countries are reviewed.  Teaching strategies, motivation, and encouragement to reading are described.  Some examples are shown in the review of the literature about reading and the habits of readers in other countries.

PDF (Español (España))


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Copyright (c) 2023 Isamar Ferrer Nieves


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